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Liquid Melodies - 2017
A common project of Tamuz Nissim and guitarist George Nazos, Original compositions of the two and arrangements to Jazz standards for a Quintet.
"Gifted vocalist Tamuz Nissim ...
Put her together with guitarist George Nazos
and you have a combination that works
so amazingly well through
each style that it is stunning."
Albums as a sidewoman

Guitarist Roni Ben Hur album "Stories" Dot Time Records (2020)
Roni Ben-Hur – Guitar
Ingrid Jensen – Trumpet
George Cables – Piano
Harvie S – BASS
Victor Lewis – Drums
Magos Harrera – Vocals tracks 1 and 7
Tamuz Nissim – Vocal Track 5
Collaboration with Guitarist George Nazos, The single "Liquid Harmony" (Street Of Stars Records 2021)
Nazos-guitars/composition, Nissim- lyrics, vocals, percussion.

Pianist Jared Pauley 2019 release on Ropadope records.
Features Tamuz Nissim on vocals on two tracks, with her original lyrics on both.
Guitarist George Nazos album "Heat Song (2020). featuring Tamuz Nissim on vocals.
Guitarist George Nazos album "Symposium For Peace (2021).
featuring Tamuz Nissim on vocals.
Nazos has won the BRIO composition award for the album
Guitarist George Nazos album "Waves" (2023). featuring Tamuz Nissim on vocals.

Groovin' High/Dizzy Gillespie,
lyris Tamuz Nissim
Live at Trading 8s studios.
With Harvie S - Bass
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
From the album "Capturing Clouds" 2019
Live at The Blue Note NYC
May 2018
Mary Ann McSweeney - Bass
Tony Jefferson-drums
Live at the Jazz Forum NY,
April 2018
James Weidman- piano
Harvie S - Bass
Tony Jefferson -Drums
While Birds Fly/ Tamuz Nissim
With George Nazos (g), Trifon Dimitrov (b), Joe Abba (d)
Live at Mezzrow Jazz Club
October 2023
live at "Shablul Jazz Club "
Tel Aviv Israel. 2022
The Music Is The Magic/ Tamuz Nissim
Lonely River/ Tamuz Nissim
Trifon Dimitrov (b), Joe Abba (d)